Basic tests to check unit


First set the unit up as shown in Fool proof settings for checking the unit. This will give a simple easy way to check for

basic unit operation. After you have set the adjustments do the



     0.Do Fool proof settings for checking the unit

     1.Disconnect terminals 4,5,6,7 which will prevent any

        faults from occurring during this crank cycle test

     2.Set voltmeter for DC volts

     3.Connect voltmeter to terminal 6 with jumper

     4.Be sure terminal 2 is connected to battery negative

     5.Apply Battery postive to terminal 13

     6.After LED test (1 sec) the starter terminal should have

        Battery voltage appearing for about 2 seconds then

        the unit will stop with the OS and OC leds on at the

        same time. This is correct behavior. If this did not occur

        then check to see if you have about 4.5 volts on

        terminal 4 and 5. If you have the 4.5 volts and your unit

        does not operate as above then call 317-849-8470 so

        we may assist you further.

     7.If you are ok to here be sure you have 4.5 volts on

         terminals 4 and 5.

     8.Now remove voltage from 13. Put your finger on

        terminal 1 (this channels 60 cycles into the input ) and

        put voltage on 13. If there is enough stray signal

        your unit will crank cycle then come up with overcrank

     9.At this point your unit is quite functional readjust the

        pots and switches per the adjustments page.











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